Tommaso Gili
Tommaso Gili
Tommaso Gili is an experimental physicist with a strong background in statistical physics. Since the beginning of his PhD (2003) he has been investigating a wide range of systems from materials to biological systems. He has a long experience in the field of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. In 2010 Tommaso was awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship to join the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Center and work on multimodal neuroimaging investigation of mild sedation in humans. Tommaso Gili’s research focuses on the development of quantitative network based methods to extract information from neuroimaging data (FMRI, EEG-FMRI, MRS, HARDI), in order to quantify brain function and structure in terms of neuronal, metabolic and vascular activity and structural organization. Dr Gili is co-author of more than 30 peer-reviewed papers (H-index=14, Citations=680) and received funds as Main App. or Co-App. for approximately Euro 1.000.000. Funding bodies included the Lazio Government, the European Union (Marie Curie Action IEF), Ministry for University and Research, Cardiff University.